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Similar Words For Technologies

On September 19 2011. Computer processing of data.

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College of further education.

Similar words for technologies. Our world is so dependent on technology so much so that it is hard to imagine a world that once existed without it. Word documents PDFs Excel files JPEGs. There are 500 technology-related words in total with the top 5 most semantically related being biotechnology engineering nanotechnology science and robotics.

Examples include wheelchairs prosthetics voice-to-text technology and text-to-speech technology. Different dissimilar diverse unakin. These terms includes that use in Internet computer and other devices.

You can get the definitions of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. Many types of files can be sent this way eg. By Liz Walter In the English language.

Akin alike analogous cognate comparable connate correspondent corresponding. Systems of information exchange. Tech Technology Technophobic Telecommunication Telemarketer Telephone Television Terminal Terms Tools Topic Trackball Trivia U U Tube Uncover Understanding Unusual Update Upload User ID User name User-friendly Usual.

An attachment is a document sent with an email message. Words which range from the technical to the merely descriptive to the innovatively humorous. What is another word for information technology.

The following are common words for technology. Computers and their related fields such as gaming and social networking are not surprisingly among the most fertile generators of new words. Technology synonyms - 138 Words and Phrases for Technology.

This is a list of the origins of computer-related terms or terms used in the computing world ie a list of computer term etymologiesIt relates to both computer hardware and computer software. Every year Fundéu BBVAs word of the year candidate list brims with terms connected to the digital world such as bitcoin uberization youtuber phubbing video refereeing trolling clicktivism drone nomophobia meme or selfie chosen by Fundéu word of the year in 2014. This is an alphabetical list of notable technology terms.

Robots that print entire buildings like this technology developed at MIT promise to change the construction industrys reliance. As such most words for technologies originated with analogies to things like clouds platforms systems and tools. Names of many computer terms especially computer applications often relate to the function they perform eg a compiler is an application that compiles programming language source code into the.

List of technology terms. Technology is advancing at breakneck speed spurring the appearance of an unprecedented slew of neologisms.

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